Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11 - Day One in Chung-Li

We started the day off with a late breakfast around 10:15am at this little side-shop. I had a delicious dish that was essentially a pancake-wrapped egg topped with tofu and a syrupy substance. We also had a black tea with breakfast, but I wasn't a big fan of it.

After breakfast, Angie (our fearless leader) led us around Chung-Li (the city we're staying in) until 2:00pm or so. We went into a shoe store and to an RT Mart/mall complex. Ethan and I just randomly wandered around the store for 30 mins because neither of us wanted to buy anything.

The music in the RT Mart (and Chung-Li in general) is extremely random. While in the RT Mart, we heard a remix of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" followed by the bluegrass instrumental "Home Sweet Home" (for those of you who don't know, I'm a bluegrass musician; that's how I was able to recognize the song).

We chilled in the dorms for a little while to cool down before going to a late-lunch/early-dinner (it's about 92 degrees with ridiculously high humidity). The guys and girls are in separate dorms on opposite sides of the CYCU campus. We also have different rules...the girls can only take their trash out 3 days a week, we can do it every day but Saturday...we can take our trash out from 9:30am-11:00pm, girls can only take theirs out from 10:30am-10:pm...guys can get into our dorms with our ID cards only, girls have to have a security card and ID card. It's pretty crazy. [Edit] Apparently they ran out of security cards for the guys and the girls' trash only runs on those days. Maybe not as bad as I thought.

After dinner and some rest, we went to the night market with the CYCU Engineering Camp. It was basically what we did all day anyway. A guy from the University of Michigan (GO BUCKS!), named Jason, joined Angie, David, Cassie, Jade, Jessica, and I on our shopping trip. He and I basically stood in the airconditioning while everyone else shopped. He's been here for 2 months and is learning Mandarin. I think we're going to try to hang out with him again at some point.

I'm starting to figure out which of the engineers I get along better with. Ethan, Phillip, and Cassie are the ones I like best. I spent a lot of time with Phil yesterday, a lot of time with Ethan today, and Cassie has pretty much been a constant since DAY. Everyone else is pretty awesome too, I just don't know them as well. At first glance, Zach and Ryan seem like your normal frat guys, but are really great once you get to know them. Jade is sweet, but fiesty and likes to walk as fast as I, that's great. Loc is from Vietnam, so all of the Taiwanese folk keep trying to speak Mandarin to him assuming he speaks it; he does not. Jessica is pretty nice, but keeps to herself. I already knew David...obviously. Oh, Angie is really amazing. I enjoy talking with her, but I'm not sure she fully appreciates my sarcasm. She will by the end of the trip.

Miss you all!

PS- The beds here are extremely uncomfortable. We're sleeping on top-only bunkbeds (loftbeds) that have a 1/2 inch mattress. When someone sleeps on the mattress, it becomes about 1/5 inch. Ouch!

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