Saturday, July 24, 2010

Musings of a Boredom-Stricken Student

Last night, Dr. Huang (Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering at Wright State) took us all out to an American restaurant (which I was NOT happy sarcasm intended). We were supposed to go to a four-course, tradition Taiwanese dinner. Je n'étais pas content!

Good news: he payed for everything!!! After dinner, he took us all to Party _____ Karoake. It was fun doing karaoke with just the WSU folks. Again, we were allowed to bring in alcohol (which we would never do...especially not two cases of Taiwanese beer that Dr. Huang paid for...or the bottle of whiskey that I paid for...)! Dr. Huang also paid for the Karaoke.

Today, we went to Fulong Beach. We road bikes through this 1.5 mile tunnel and then back. Jeremy, Becky, and I rode further so we could see this gold-tipped temple. Then, we all went to lunch. After lunch was the beach. It was cloudy, and started to rain. We still swam though.

I swam in mesh shorts because I didn't bring swimtrunks. I didn't bring swim trunks becaues I wasn't going to pay to use the pool on campus! Well, my dumbass-self forgot that Taiwan is an island, and you can get to a beach in any direction. Way to go@!

That was pretty much it. The other day in class, I was really bored (more so than normal). I kept falling, I decided to write myself a letter to stay awake. The parts in brackets ("[ ]") weren't part of my letter...I'm just making observational comments. I thought you might enjoy it:

"Notes While Sleeping"
Dear Self,
Why am I falling asleep? I'm not really that tired. My left ring finger is in a lot of pain [I almost broke it playing volleyball the other day]. I probably shouldn't play volleyball today, but I like the exercise and entertainment [I played]. This is not going to keep me up for long; I'll be asleep before the break. Definitely not working [looks like "wooking"]...just fell asleep. :( It is sooo hard to stay awake. Whose idea was it to invite this guy to speak? I was not expecting this to be so boring. Writing helps me stay awake [sort of]. Oh my god! This is driving me crazy! Angie had said the engineering classes would be too boring to sit through, but I don't see how they could be any worse than this! When is this fricken slide going to change? It's been here for 30 mins. It's so hot in here. My finger is killing me! Maybe that will help me stay awake. :) It would be an ok presentation if someone like Dr. Anderson were presenting. This guy just rambles on and on about nothing. I've been wondering if the Taiwanese have to learn cursive or not [my letter was written in cursive...they don't have to]. Uh oh. I can feel the exhaustion creeping back in. So, the subject matter is actually really interesting, just complex. Dr. Yea isn't a great explainer. :( I just offered my notes to the Taiwanese students. Again, I don't know if they read cursive. Furthermore, I haven't really been paying attention. The presentations this afternoon better be easier to sit through [they were]. I think we'll be in the computer lab again, which means I can be on the internet. Oops...I'm almost out of space on this page. I really wish I had more space to write. How am I going to stay awake after"

Only one more week until I'm home!

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