Friday, July 23, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

Sorry that I haven't updated in the last few days, but we've been really busy here. We've visited two more companies in Taipei, and two in Chung-li. None of these companies were really interesting, but going on the field trips meant being in airconditioned offices (except at the SoCo Paper Ltd company). We've also had some boring guest lectures this week.

We've been busy because our CYCU students have been taking us out a lot. On top of that, Ryan, Jeremy, and I discovered a really awesome pool hall here that lets you rent a table for 80 NTD an hour (like $2.75 USD). We've gone two out of the last three nights. You can take in alcohol as well (which we would never, ever consider doing). ;)

I'm starting to get sad that our program is about to end. I'll miss all of my new friends from CYCU and MTSU. I told all of the MTSU students (especially Becky, Paulina, and Jeremy) that I would come visit them in Tennessee sometime soon. We asked Danny (Unser Führer, or our leader) if he would feel relieved once we leave since he has to work so hard while we're here, and he said "NO! I'll probably cry."

Can't wait to see you all!

1 comment:

  1. Yay you get to come home soon!! Glad you had a blast :) -JD
